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Au Pair Room
The Au Pair program requires the Host Family to provide the Au Pair with a private room throughout the whole Au Pair experience abroad.
The Au Pair room should:
be a minimum of 8 sq. m.
have a window with natural daylight
have a proper heating system
be sufficiently furnished
be private - for the Au Pair's exclusive use
Most importantly, the Au Pair room must be part of the same house or apartment the family lives in.
Host Family cannot deduct any money from the Au Pair wage for providing accommodation.
As a Host Family you have many
requirements and
responsibilities during your participation in the program. Besides meals,
Au Pair wage and insurance you will have to host the Au Pair at your place and provide them with proper accommodation.
Below we have listed some specific requirements the Au Pair room should meet.
The room should be a minimum of 8 sq. m
Daylight – the room should have a window with natural daylight.
Heating – the room should have a proper heating system if your winters are cold.
Lockable – existence of a door lock for privacy.
Part of the same house or apartment the family lives in. As the Au Pair program is mainly a cultural exchange, it is important that the participants live with their local family.
Privacy – the Au Pair should not stay in shared rooms (e.g. with kids or other family members)
Sufficiently furnished (bed, wardrobe, table, chair, shelf, maybe radio/TV…)
Access to the bathroom.
To avoid possible misunderstandings and
problems that might occur, write down important details in your
Au Pair contract. In this case, a description of the future accommodation will set right expectations for both sides. During the course of the program, the Au Pair is responsible to keep their own room clean.
As a Host Family you need to provide your Au Pair with a private, cosy room, full board and a sum of pocket money. What else?
Learn more
Before the
Au Pair's arrival, make sure the room is ready, all required repair work is done. Check if the room is clean, if there are bed sheets, furniture. The room is ready to move in. If you would like to break the ice with your future Au Pair and prepare something special, consider some small gifts. Your kids can draw or craft something. You can put flowers in a vase or add home flowers to give a lively and welcoming touch to the space.
The Au Pair’s room is their personal space and that’s why it is important to make them feel comfortable in your home. This way you can make sure that the Au Pair has everything required to focus on their work and